Monday, June 30, 2014

New Address

Part of updating the blog is changing the address. This blog can now be accessed at

Also, the menu is up! Please place orders at least a week in advance by emailing me at Thank you everyone! I look forward to baking for you. :)

Long Time No See...

Well, it's only been 7 months since my last post, so why not randomly post again? I actually do have a reason for posting, this is not completely out of the blue... You see, I have a hobby. A hobby I love and have been told I need to share. I do share, but it get expensive and I usually don't share enough because my husband and I get to it before anyone else. Are you ready? I. love. baking! (In case you don't know me at all!) I've decided to start selling homemade baked goods on the side. I plan on changing up this blog to be an avenue for me to post my menu, picture, specials and new items once per month, in hopes that this will help me get the word out and help give a visual to my future buyers. Selling homemade desserts is something I've considered doing in the past but I didn't know how to make the leap. I have finally come up with a game plan and I'm excited to get started! Stay tuned for my menu, pricing and new blog... I hope you're all as excited as I am!